Sunday, December 29, 2019

My Very Own Declaration of Independence on My School...

I N C O N G R E S S A U G U S T 2 0 1 2 A S C H O O L D R E S S-C O D E B Y A S T U D E N T O F W E S T L A K E H I G H S C H O O L Introduction When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the academic and educational bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of this school building, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of administration entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they have to declare the causes which don’t necessarily impel them to the Dress-code Law. Preamble We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all students of Westlake High School are created with creative†¦show more content†¦The outfit we may choose to wear causes certainly, absolutely no harm to others surrounding us. Thus, what may be the point? Why must they enforce it? Therefore, now is our time, as students of Westlake High School, to stand up for what we believe in and declare we be given the right to wear whatever we may please. Under certain circumstance of course, nothing outrageous, or whore-like. And as for males of our society, no pants must expose thou of thy nature below the waist. Conclusion I, therefore, a Representative of Westlake High School, and by Authority of the good Citizens as a part of Fulton County, solemnly publish and declare, That this school building is, and of Right ought to be Freely respectful of our, as students, meaningful opinions; that we shall have the right to express how we do feel upon the matter of Westlake High School Dress-code; and that as Free and Independent Adolescents, we shall have full Power to wear what we desire to school, Westlake High School, conclude Peace, distribute freedom to wear what we please, with the exception of outrageous clothing, establish Our Young People’s Justice, and to do all other Acts and Things which we, as Independent Adolescents, may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, we mutually pledge to each other, respect of our Clothing, Demand your attention to our opinions, and Demand you act on this conflict; to discontinue Westlake High School Dress-code. *____Elizabeth Hardy___,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Personal Narrative - Our Marriage2114 Words   |  9 PagesOur Marriage Our official journey began on August 2, 1997 in Las Vegas. That was our wedding day and my official entry into married life. Tim and I said, ?I do? in Clark County, Nevada. The clerk declared us best friends for life in a ceremony with just the two of us. That declaration was more profound and welcomed than one any priest could have made. Our wedding cost a total of seventy-two dollars, this included the license and ceremony. I should also include the cost of what I call ourRead MoreThe Theory of Absolutism Essay3273 Words   |  14 Pagesa ruler sovereign. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Vlad the Impaler - 1447 Words

A man that had a lot of power, was brilliant, was the prince of a country at one time, and a mastermind of torture. All of these words are describing Vlad Dracula, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler. [The middle ages have produced numerous legends and heroes that remain very much a part of our contemporary culture; one need only to refer to the Tales of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table or of the outlaw Robin Hood,†¦Amidst the struggle to halt the Ottoman onslaught in Southeastern Europe the historical figure of Vlad Dracula arose to become a legend in his own time] (Treptow, 2000, p.7). Vlad the Impaler or Dracula was a very smart man in a sick way. He once tried to use a â€Å"technique†¦[not used]†¦to impale the anus but rather†¦show more content†¦When Vlad was twelve years old he had experienced something that would sculpted his life completely, and made him become this evil mastermind with no feelings of remorse. When an officer [approached the bed and made a gesture to the guards. Instantly strong hands put Radu [Vlad’s brother] on his belly, pulling upward to raise his hips as one man applied oil of attar to the anus that had previously been enlarged by the insertion of ivory pegs. The boys eyes were glistening with tears now as his buttocks were opened to allow his ravisher full access to him. Murad stripped. When he mounted Radu and penetrated him, the boy screamed, though more from fright than pain†¦. Prince Vlad ignored this outrageous sodomizing of his brother. Even when the sultan had finished and he himself was taken by all three officers in turn, he did the utmost not to let them see his anguish, not to cry out or release tears which shame and humiliation brought welling into his eyes. But there was no dignity left him now that it had happened, no maintaining his princely demeanor, no saving of his honor. There was only the acute sense of fullness to bursting, of being used unmercifully, of degradation and submission and defeat. It seemed to go on and on eternally, until sobs were wrung from him and childish curses flung at the damascened wall. And while they did this to him, commenting obscenely on his surrender and his helplessness, angryShow MoreRelated Vlad The Impaler, The True Dracula Essay2679 Words   |  11 Pages Vlad the Impaler, a.k.a. Vlad III, Dracula, Drakulya, or Tepes, was born in late 1431, in the citadel of Sighisoara, Transylvania, the son of Vlad II or Dracul, a military governor, appointed by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Vlad Dracul was also a knight in the Order of the Dra gon, a secret fraternity created in 1387 by the Emperor, sworn to uphold Christianity and defend the empire against the Islamic Turks. Transylvania, along with Moldavia, and Wallachia, are now joined together as Romania. TheRead MoreVlad the Impaler: The definition of Evil1545 Words   |  7 PagesCassandra Mr. McNeil CHW 3M1-03 May 29, 2013 Vlad the Impaler: The definition of Evil One mans good could be another mans evil. Some men follow through with acts that are so morally and ethically depraved that no sane person could justify them. Vlad the Impaler, a.k.a. Vlad III, Dracula or Tepes was a man who reigned Wallachia for a bloody six years and relished in the heinous acts that he committed. Born in 1431, like his father, Vlad III, had become a member of the Order of the DragonRead MoreThe Terrible Acts Of Vlad1525 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Turks, Vlad and a small band of men were ambushed and Vlad was killed. Little else is known about Vlad’s death except that the Turks decapitated him. His head was sent to the Sultan who displayed it on a stake to prove that the Impaler was finally dead. Vlad is remembered best for his vicious actions but there are some differences in the way people view him. There are several stories, which some sources take more serious than others, that list some of the horrendous acts that Vlad committed.Read MoreThe Tale Of Dracula, Or The Son Of The Dragon1777 Words   |  8 PagesCount Dracula is viewed as only fiction, there is accuracy behind the legends. Vlad III’s legacy sparked the lore of Count Dracula because of the scarring childhood he endured, the torturous agony he caused upon others, and a gruesome war. Vlad III was born in November 14, 1431 in Sighisoara, Transylvania to Vlad Dracul and Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. He had an older brother, Mircea, and a younger brother, Radu. In 1431, Vlad Dracul was inducted into the Order of the Dragon, a group that prided themselvesRead MoreLiterary Review of Bram Stokers Dracula Essay1230 Words   |  5 Pagesthe fears of societal sexual independence in the Victorian era. Another speculation for the inspiration of the Count Dracula in Stokers novel is of the Prince of Wallachia, Vlad III. He ruled over what is now known as Romania during the years of 1431-1476., and was more commonly known as Vlad the Impaller.(Wikipedia, Vlad). The nickname was appointed in regards to his common methods of torturing his enemies by impaling them with an oiled, dull wooden stake and displaying their impalled bodies inRead MoreVampires : More Than A Modern Fantasy1538 Words   |  7 PagesWorld History Period 2 Vampires: More Than a Modern Fantasy When you think of vampires, do you think of Twilight, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Vampire Diaries? Or, do you think of ancient vampiric legends such as Lamastu, empusai, and even Vlad the Impaler? What if both modern vampire culture and the origins of vampirism were connected, not only by topic, but by relevance? Vampiric myths allow us to understand the history and those involved, as well as to relate to the present and view how currentRead MoreThe Story of Vlad the Impalers Life575 Words   |  2 Pagesthat, and I was told to. My essay is over the very first vampire Vlad Dracula or more commonly today Vlad the Impaler. Yes this is going to take a while so hold tight. Vlad was born in Transylvania a very long time ago. He was a prince of Wallachia for many, many years. He was well known for what he did to the enemy during the battles he fought in. Vlad was a highly feared person. He was the over taker of many lands, and villages. Vlad Dracula was a dastardly man who in this se riously long essay IRead MoreMosters Misunderstood: How Fear Creates the Moster Archetype in Myhology2105 Words   |  9 Pagesfamous vampire than Vlad Drakulya. Vlad was crowned king of Wallachia in 1546 and soon gained infamy among the Turks and Romanians as Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Dracula). He received this nickname because of the retribution he took upon the Turks for being held hostage. Vlad, of course, had many enemies, earned by his conquests and cruelty. In Germany, he is portrayed as an evil prince who holds alliances to the Ottoman emperor Mehmed II (ibid). All of this eventually leads to Vlad Drakulya becomingRead MoreBram Strokers Dracula: The Man Behind the Count Essay794 Words   |  4 Pagesdeed. His final story Dracula’s Guest, a removed chapter of Dracula, was published posthumously two years following his death. To begin our analysis of the Count, we must first learn about the Count’s origins. Vlad III Tepes, or more colloquially known as Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, was born in 1431. His nickname comes from his father, who was known by the name Dracul, meaning â€Å"Dragon†. Dracula literally means â€Å"Son of Dracul†, or â€Å"Son of the Dragon†. His father held throne in Wallachia, aRead MoreVlad Dracula Research Paper1672 Words   |  7 PagesVlad Dracula was born in the winter of 1431 in Sighisoura,Transylvania. Vlad’s father who is Vlad II came from a family of princes from the state of Wallacia. In the same year Vlad III was born, his father traveled to Nuremberg, Germany and became a member of the Order of the Dragon. The Order of the Dragon was select group of European royalty appointed by the head of the Holy Roman Empire, Emperor Sigismund ,who held power over most of Western Europe. These men were dedicated to crusading against

Friday, December 13, 2019

Effects on Performance Management Free Essays

string(37) " cannot be met by the formal system\." Effects on Performance Management and the Company when Nepotism and Cronyism is Present. Cronyism is Present. Whether deliberate or unintentional, workplace nepotism and cronyism threatens positive corporate culture as well as the company’s overall performance management. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects on Performance Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now Managers who give special treatment to their family members or their favorites decrease the morale of the other employees and do not pay attention to the areas of need that the employee may be facing in their Job performance. Finding yourself on the non-receiving end of desirable assignments can be rough-?especially when the recipient also lacks adequate employment lubrications. The organization being discussed is a relatively small organization; there are approximately twenty full-time employees and seventeen part-time employees. The organization serves adults with developmental disabilities on cite and in the community. They are a non-profit organization and rely on state funded money as well as fundraisers. Their performance evaluation they work with does not have any weight when considering raises or pay scale. There have been two directors in the last ten years and both directors suffered from performance management issues. However, since the latest director has been in charge the organizational culture is also changing rapidly. The previous director hired her daughter and the daughter’s best friend. When both were hired neither had the required skills to perform their duties. They both rapidly moved up the ladder of success during the director’s time. A couple of years prior to the director’s retirement an â€Å"assistant director† position was created to train the upcoming replacement. She also happened to be a family friend. This friend had experience as a support coordinator and some college experience. After the new director took over, the entire center seemed to be recreated. The â€Å"daughter† was made a program manager and the â€Å"friend† was made a program manager. Once these positions were filled and time went on, cronyism became very visible among the center staff. The â€Å"daughter† had now been moved into an â€Å"invented position† since she was unable to perform her managerial duties, as told to staff, yet her salary and status seemed to remain intact. The â€Å"friend† however seemed to shine brighter daily and chain of command communicated regularly. The morale of the organization started falling and stories and complaints traveled quickly between staff. It was starting to be evident that the word â€Å"team† did not exist. If rooms needed assistance, coverage, or other types of conflict arose there was not anyone to come and offer support. The staff knew they had to call the program manager per chain of command but she was never available. After months of back and forth from trying to get answers from the director and when questioned, the program manager, who also happens to have tightened the bond of friendship with this director would lie and say it is handled or Just not show up when needed the staff began feeling like no matter how much they complained or tried fixing the situation the director valued the friendships more than the organizations culture all together. Every year when it is time to do performance evaluations the direct support staff would cringe. They all knew that no matter what was on the form that they signed it did not matter because â€Å"if† there was a raise to be given, it would be a standard 1%-3% across the board. The facts that the â€Å"mangers† actually had a larger salary increased their raises due to the percentage factor. This past year most staff filled out their own evaluations and wrote their own goal to work towards the following year and the managers Just signed off and passed to the director. The character of cronyism is proactive and dynamic. Goanna (1991) notes that loyalty has two true-hearted dimensions: emotional and behavioral. The emotional aspect of loyalty results from gratitude. Since emotions are invisible, one’s loyalty is evaluated through the behavioral dimension. In situations where loyalty is a highly valued characteristic, individuals tend to display loyal behaviors in order to receive positive evaluations and personal benefits, in this case no consequences for not being supportive to the program staff or not being held accountable for her lack of performance. Additionally, it may not be easy to distinguish between behaviors hat emerge from true-hearted gratitude and behaviors that result purely from â€Å"impression management. † That is why this definition of cronyism is based on the notion of perceived loyalty. The lower ranked employees are likely to play an active role. For instance, a program staff may want to influence the perception her supervisor by uncritically agreeing with the program manager on work or non-work related issues or by speaking highly of that program manager in the presence of the director of the center. (Deluge and Perry, 1994). This perceived loyalty plays a major factor when the yearly evaluations roll around. Since there is not clear Job descriptions or expectations in any area of the organization there would not be anything to effectively measure or evaluate. Popularity or convenience plays more of a role. When the evaluations rotate through the managers, they have many other things that rank higher in priority so it is usually rushed through and passed back to the director to file. In a healthy organizational culture personal relationships and loyalty, to a certain degree, may be functional and does not necessarily breed cronyism. Coffee and Jones (1996), argue that sociability, which refers to sincere approachability among members f an organization, raises morale, fosters teamwork, and promotes creativity. However, when the stress on relationships is so great that it is turned into strong in- group bias and when loyalty becomes unreserved, cronyism is likely to occur. There is a more complex system of social interactions that arise spontaneously as people associate with one another. Dissimilar to the formal structure, which accentuates official positions in terms of authority and responsibility, the informal structure emphasizes people and their unofficial relationships (Newsroom and Davis, 1993). The informal system develops to fulfill needs that cannot be met by the formal system. You read "Effects on Performance Management" in category "Papers" Increasing informal relationships with the right people, which may include subordinates, peers, and superiors, can be a useful means of acquiring power Nouns, 1992). The coupled relationship between the superior and subordinate in the context of cronyism tends to be governed by their personal ties rather than assigned Job duties or responsibilities. These casual relationships may override organizational hierarchy and involve an element of â€Å"power-seeking,† where individuals exchange ore than friendship among themselves to further individual goals that cannot be met through formal channels. Studies suggest that the mere act of categorizing people as â€Å"cliques† and out-groups have a tendency to result in favoritism (Teasel et al. , 1971; Turner et al. , 1983). Clique members are given high levels of trust, interaction, support and rewards while out-group members receive low levels of each and often denied valuable opportunities (Vehicle, 1997). These behaviors breed a competition among the staff that creates stress among the employees since they hank that if they are not a member of that clique or friendship they may not get any of the â€Å"rewards† they feel those clique members receive. Some examples of this description within the organization is when an instructor, someone with no authority, brings gifts or constantly offering flattering compliments to feel as though she is in the â€Å"clique† status and when an opportunity arises like a special outing or work opportunity that is praise worthy she usually gets it. The opposite end of the spectrum however is the employee that constantly goes above and beyond her jugular Job duties to help others and seems knowledgeable of her position gets constantly overlooked for promotions, raises, or passed by because she chooses to focus more in her Job rather than the social side of relationships. Personal loyalty toward the program manager or director is different from loyalty to the organization or organizational commitment. The director or program manager’s cronies may not be committed to the organization as a whole. In fact, the increase of a deep sense of obligation toward the director or program manager may surpass connection toward the organization (Chem. and Francesco, 2000). An example could be that if the director leaves the organization, her cronies will try to follow suit. Being trusted supporters, â€Å"clique† members of a work unit tend to cultivate a feeling of gratitude towards the program manager or director. These same employees are likely to be pleased with their work due to the existence of receptive bonds in their working relationships. These same employees shared motivational factors and experienced less role-related stress like Job overload, insufficiency, ambiguity, or conflict. Unfortunately, out-group employees who do not possess these same connections seem to have lower Job distraction because even if they are the â€Å"cream of the crop,† their chances of climbing the ladder of success are slim. This has an antagonistic impact on their sense of self-worth as they become trapped in organizations that require friendships to â€Å"earn† promotions (Hurley et al. , 1997). This reason alone should be evidence enough that performance evaluations should be considered more serious than they are in this particular company. They are likely to feel a sense of inequality when they perceive that in-group members, regardless of competency, manage to be promoted much faster than they do. It is not surprising to find that out-group members are more likely to file grievances (Coleman et al. , 1993). The clique group of employees is likely to show low commitment to the organization. This is where prominence on loyalty to the director or manager may transform into negative organizational performance when the directors personal goals struggle with those of the organization. Although cultural influence plays an important part here, the practice of cronyism, with its stress on loyalty toward management rather than the organization, greatly emphasizes such influence. When the company’s strategic plan ND evaluation standards are stated to be practiced one way in the personnel handbook and the actual actions of the management staff proves otherwise the staff could view that situation as an opportunity to slack on their personal performance and not care whether or not the company actual succeeds or not. Obligation is related to organizational dependability or the degree to which an organization is perceived to be looking after the interests of its employees in practices such as Job security and career development (Buchanan, 1974; Steers, 1977). Due to in-group bias, the hard work of out-group members is often unrecognized by their previous. Furthermore, out-group members do not experience the Job security and preferred rewards in-group members enjoy. They are often overlooked in terms of opportunities for personal achievement. While in-group members are delegated key roles in the organization, and the out-group members are merely assigned peripheral functions that are easily expendable (Change, 1999). Ingratiation, an attempt by individuals to increase their attractiveness in the eyes of others, is one particular rising influence strategy whereby ingratiation behaviors are driven by attempts to influence someone higher in the formal hierarchy of an organization Porter et al. , 1983). Loyalty is adored in cronyism; employees may openly reaffirm the manager’s views and defend her appearance and prestige. They may also acknowledge the power distance in the hierarchy ladder and show their submissiveness in order to win the manager or directors heart (Fisher, 1977). The noticeable benefit associated with the in-group status encourages ingratiation behaviors. In addition to having impacts on individuals working in an organization, it can also greatly impact the clientele the organization serves; cronyism also produces significant consequences at the group or organizational level. Personal feelings can seriously bias Judgment. Positive affect toward employees makes managers less likely to give them negative performance feedback. With this being said, incompetence among in-group members has a tendency to be hidden and covered up in the organization. Since in-group members are rewarded on the basis of loyalty rather than competence, they do not see the need to excel and may at best achieve average performance. Additionally, these same employees tend to channel their energy and attention to ingratiating themselves with the manager or director or other related political behaviors. This ultimately distracts the employee from completing their proper Job duties (Coffee and Jones, 1996). Talent, which would otherwise rise to the top, is blocked and stifled by lack of opportunity. This leads to talented people leaving the organization. The constant leeching away of talent inevitably weakens the strength of the organization (Redding and Whish, 1993). Finally, the quality of decision making is a victim of cronyism. Any leader who is surrounded by â€Å"yes men† is unable to benefit from the diverse perspectives, experience, and knowledge of their employees. Worse still, with stress on conformity, ideas are unlikely to be fined and improved through group discussion and debate. The result of having such differentiated treatment can cause hostility between the two groups, consequently harmfully affecting their cooperation and sense of teamwork. Progressively, the relation between the in-group and out-group employees suffers as the unjustified practices continue, and the leader’s cronies are perceived to be getting more benefits than deserved (You kill, 1994). Over time, the morale of the out- group will be eroded by their feelings of alienation, powerlessness, and inequity as favoritism of in-group employees renders the relationship between performance and reward less obvious (Preponderates and Topple, 1996). Cronyism stems from the fact that management is able to manipulate rewards and punishments for their employees. The greater their ability to do so, the greater is the personal dependence of employees on them. Missies, (1998) maintains that favored â€Å"clique† treatment may be reduced by making evaluation criteria explicit, objective, and public. To sum up, presence of competent managers and directors are likely to reduce crony behaviors. It is instinctual that competent managers tend to reward and promote competency among their employees. But, incompetent managers and directors would feel heartened by competent employees, and inevitably drive away competent employees (Bodleian and Ramekins, 1998). Preponderates (1993) notes that â€Å"yes men† tend to be concentrated among less able workers and among workers with less able managers. In conclusion, the organizational problem of nepotism eventually stemmed to accepted cronyism. By management allowing this to take place the employees began feeling resentment and the organizations moral dropped dramatically. In this particular organization, the clientele are the main ones affected by these behaviors to take place. How to cite Effects on Performance Management, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Japan and China free essay sample

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, westerners were heavily industrializing and practicing imperialism, and since both China and Japan wanted to retain their cultures and traditions, they figured the best way to do so was to instate policies restricting trade with foreigners. For hundreds of years, both societies were isolated and only concerned themselves with internal issues and developments, so once westerners began to try and imperialize eastern Asia, they in turn began to block off their nation to preserve their cultures and protect themselves from threat of the west. China started to become addicted to drugs, due to the opium being sold to them for silver by the British, not only were they illegally trading being foreigners, but they were taking China’s silver so that they could become more wealthy, meanwhile Japan had a dirt poor and starving population full of destitution, and the Europeans were trying to come in to stimulate the economy, but mostly to their own benefit and profit. Both of these intrusions into Japan and China caused the government to restrict their population from trading with the Europeans and Americans so that they would not lose their own heritage and traditions to adapt to the ways of the westerners. As the nineteenth century went on, westerners continued to penetrate and attack Japan and China with the intentions to imperialize these regions and make them another region they could exploit in order to make a larger profit with little to no cost. The British went into China, and with their military attacked the Grand Canal making them vulnerable and forced them to sign the Treaty of Nanjing, giving them extraterritorial status, ceding Hong Kong to the British, opening up five new ports to Britain, and giving Britain most-favored-nation status. Much like in Japan when Matthew Perry of the United States came in and insisted in having Japan open up its ports to diplomatic and commercial relations with the US, and since the shogun felt he had no other option, he complied with Perry’s order. As the westerners had their way with both east Asian nations, the threat of western industrialization became a reality, and due to the amount of hunger and economic depression in their societies, their people began to crave industrialization seeing the amount of success in the western societies that were industrialized. There began to be an increased amount of rebellion, and a fight for change in these two nations, but the results that came from these rebellions and the main argument for these rebellions differed. Once these societies were flowing with western influence and ideas in their societies, the people of China and Japan began to try and adopt to these ideas and become big industrial societies as well. In China, these ideas were supported by the people although their government tried to diminish these ideas, while in Japan, the government felt that they had no other choice but to reform, so they began to embrace western development. In Japan the reforms made after the Tokugawa rebellion were the restoration of the emperor, the use of a constitutional government, the removal of the daimyo, the fixing of the money tax, and the beginning of the study of western civilization. Japan realized they needed a powerful economy and worked to become the power in the east asian region with the aid and the permission of their government, while China on the other hand, could have headed in the same direction if they weren’t sabotaged by their own government. While the majority of the Chinese population was fighting for change and looking for new ways to boost their dying economy due to poverty, drug addictions, and hunger, the government wanted to retain their Confucian values and stay away from western influence. Therefore, reformers promoted their ideas for reform to those against it by saying that we can have confucianism and industrialism, in that we practice chinese traditions for ourselves although we use western ideas to stay powerful and successful. However after the Taiping rebellion, the self strengthening movement, and the hundred days reform, Emperor Xianfeng and Empress Cixi still did not believe in industrializing China, so she stopped all reforms and blew all the government funds that could have been used for the reform on luxury items, just to demonstrate their power and the fact that they were not going to change China. In these two regions, their decisions either towards industrialism or away from it would affect their global position in the future. During the nineteenth century, in the the two east asian regions of China and Japan, westerners felt the need to penetrate their societies in order to improve their own economies, causing both the Japanese and the Chinese to try and enforce foreign policy laws restricting access to their lands, and therefore restricting their ability to influence their societies. Then once they were penetrated by the westerners and forced to open their lands to foreigners who weakened their power and tried to push industrialism on them, they reacted very differently. Although both of their economies were in bad shape and their people wanted reform, their governments held highly different opinions on how to act. Japan’s people and their government felt it was best to reform their society, conform to western ways, and become both an industrial and imperialistic society, while China’s government held the view that they needed to retain Chinese tradition and culture, which they believed could not be done with industrialism supporting their society, so there were constant rebellions by the people who were suffering and who wanted change.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can be consid Essay Example For Students

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can be consid Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can be considered a great novel because of its social criticism, its authenticity, its relation to God and the supernatural, and by the way it was written. Huck Finn can be considered a great novel because of its social criticism which is shown through satire. Satire is used to criticize something that the writer deems socially wrong. Mark Twain uses satire to criticize mans cruelty to man and religious hypocrisy. Twain criticizes mans cruelty to man mainly through the treatment of slavery throughout the novel. Twains criticism of religious hypocrisy is shown when Huck stays with the Grangerfords in chapter 17. In the chapter, the Grangerfords took their guns along to church, ready to continue the feud on the way to or from the religious sanctuary. We will write a custom essay on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can be consid specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Another way Huck Finn can be considered a great novel is because of its authenticity. Many of the events in the story follow closely to events taking place during the time that Mark Twain wrote the novel. A good example of this is slave trade, that was a part of every day life in the Southern states, and, as in the novel, no one thought negatively about it. Another example is that feuding families, such as the Grangerford Shepherdson feud was not uncommon at the time. Another aspect that adds to the authenticity of the novel is the emphasis placed on superstitions. During the novel, we learn of some of the superstitions of the time. Some include looking at the moon over ones left shoulder, shaking a tablecloth after sundown, and handling snakeskin. This adds to the authenticity because small children and the uneducated would place great meaning on these superstitions. Huck Finn can also be considered a great novel because of its relation to God and the supernatural. During a large portion of the story, Huck is at odds on moral grounds with the only form of Christianity that he knows, which was taught to him by Miss Watson. He is debating whether or not to tell Miss Watson about Jim or take him to freedom. In addition to Christianity, there is also a river God that gives the story its form. The river is neither all good or all evil, but is mainly looked upon throughout the novel as divine. From the beginning of the novel until the end of it, the river controls the voyage of Huck and Jim. Its power is shown because the river would not let them land in Cairo which meant freedom for Jim. Also in the story, the river separates the two at the Grangerfords and then reunites them later in the company of the King and the Duke. Throughout the novel we are constantly reminded of its presence and its power. Furthermore, after each short social life on shore, Huck returns to the river with relief and thankfulness. Additionally, Huck Finn can be considered a great novel because of the way it was written. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an episodic novel, meaning that there are strings of incidents along the way of Hucks travels. In the book, it is very easy to identify each episode, because throughout the novel he is going down the river, and each place he stops, starts a new incident. Even thought the novel is episodic, there is clear dramatic organization, meaning that from the beginning to the end, the suspense becomes more intense. Another factor making it a great novel is the way that Mark Twain writes. The story is very easy to read because of Twains ease and freedom in the use of the language. Moreover, he uses simple, direct, and fluent sentences, with the exception of Jims dialect.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Contradicting The Stereotypes Of Youths In South- Central, L.A.

Contradicting the Stereotypes of Youths In South-Central, Los Angeles The essay, â€Å"Jobs Illuminate What Riots Hid: Young Ideals†, by Sara Rimer, begins with a good-will gesture from Disney officials, offering young adults in South- Central the opportunity to work at the â€Å"happiest place on earth.† The Disney officials are surprised to find educated, ambitious, young black adults willing to make sacrifices to work for the Disney Corporation. The author establishes there is a negative stereotype connected to the young people who live in South-Central Los Angeles. He uses appeals to ethos and pathos to convince his readers- the young people living in South-Central are not all looters, drug dealers, and gang members. Rimer uses an appeal to ethos to build her credibility in the beginning of the essay to persuade the reader(s) that the youths in South-Central are not all depraved. Greg Albrecht, a spokesperson for the Disney Corporation, commented on how wonderful and outstanding the kids were, and their eagerness to work for Disneyland (Rimer, A1, A12). She has to make us believe that if the Disney Corporation is willing to hire these young adults, maybe the kids from South-Central really aren’t that bad. Using statistics helps build her argument also. The principal of Washington Preparatory, Marguerite LaMotte, one of South-Central public high schools, is quoted saying there are â€Å"118 graduating seniors planning on attending four-year colleges and 131graduating seniors going to two-year colleges (Rimer, A1, A12).† Rimer further states that â€Å"the world knows about the gang members; estimates put the number at 100,000 across Los Angeles County, and last year there were 771 gang-related homicides (A1, A12).† No one has tried to count the success stories of the young people trying to make a better life for themselves (Rimer, A1, A12). Giving statistics and using quotes by a spokesperson from an influential corporation like... Free Essays on Contradicting The Stereotypes Of Youths In South- Central, L.A. Free Essays on Contradicting The Stereotypes Of Youths In South- Central, L.A. Contradicting the Stereotypes of Youths In South-Central, Los Angeles The essay, â€Å"Jobs Illuminate What Riots Hid: Young Ideals†, by Sara Rimer, begins with a good-will gesture from Disney officials, offering young adults in South- Central the opportunity to work at the â€Å"happiest place on earth.† The Disney officials are surprised to find educated, ambitious, young black adults willing to make sacrifices to work for the Disney Corporation. The author establishes there is a negative stereotype connected to the young people who live in South-Central Los Angeles. He uses appeals to ethos and pathos to convince his readers- the young people living in South-Central are not all looters, drug dealers, and gang members. Rimer uses an appeal to ethos to build her credibility in the beginning of the essay to persuade the reader(s) that the youths in South-Central are not all depraved. Greg Albrecht, a spokesperson for the Disney Corporation, commented on how wonderful and outstanding the kids were, and their eagerness to work for Disneyland (Rimer, A1, A12). She has to make us believe that if the Disney Corporation is willing to hire these young adults, maybe the kids from South-Central really aren’t that bad. Using statistics helps build her argument also. The principal of Washington Preparatory, Marguerite LaMotte, one of South-Central public high schools, is quoted saying there are â€Å"118 graduating seniors planning on attending four-year colleges and 131graduating seniors going to two-year colleges (Rimer, A1, A12).† Rimer further states that â€Å"the world knows about the gang members; estimates put the number at 100,000 across Los Angeles County, and last year there were 771 gang-related homicides (A1, A12).† No one has tried to count the success stories of the young people trying to make a better life for themselves (Rimer, A1, A12). Giving statistics and using quotes by a spokesperson from an influential corporation like...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Practice of Teaching in Dyslexic Students Essay

Practice of Teaching in Dyslexic Students - Essay Example It is essential to comprehend that several learning problems come up if the teacher fails to recognise dyslexia at the right time and it makes the teaching inappropriate. Understanding dyslexia as a learning difficulty involves the perception that something is 'wrong' with the learner and here the teacher's focus shifts from celebrating the strengths to identifying weaknesses. Such a perception of the students with dyslexia emphasises the remediation by specialists. However, it is essential to implement resolution by knowledgeable class and subject teachers and supported by specialist help and intervention appropriate to the needs of the students. As dyslexia is a vital problem facing many students in the contemporary educational system, it is essential to have a clear-cut knowledge about this issue as well as the ways to deal with it. It is essential for the educators to make instructional adjustments in order to make the dyslexic students successful in an academic environment. ... In a reflective analysis of the social, emotional and behavioural aspects of dyslexia, it becomes evident that the role of a teacher who caters to the various needs of dyslexic students is essential for the effective teaching practice in the area. Evidences from significant researches on the topic suggest that if dyslexia is not very early identified, it can affect the person in a vicious manner and it can lead from learning to behaviour problems and from behaviour problems to increased learning disability. The specific difficulties associated with the dyslexic students stress the importance of effective measures by teachers in classroom environment. Thus, it is essential to maintain that dyslexia affects the skills of information processing in particular working memory if the student, along with phonological awareness, labelling, rapid naming and the speed of processing. It also results in the failure to develop language and literacy skills to the expected level which in turn limits the access to curriculum in school, continuing education, and employment. Therefore, the teacher has a fundamental role in dealing with the issues faced by the dyslexic students. In the UK, it is currently believed that the dyslexic students process information differently than other children. Thus, if the teacher takes this difference in processing information into account, these students can learn effectively, although perhaps more slowly in relation to literacy. Therefore, this paper makes a profound analysis of how the teacher can make the classroom dyslexia friendly and the lessons more accessible to the student. It also attempts to investigate how structured, multisensory teaching,